Troubleshooting Guide

Minecraft 1.19 versions are unfortunately very resource-heavy, and the use of optimisation mods and modpacks is highly recommended.

To play on our server, we recommend using Java 1.19.4 using the Fabulously Optimized modpack through Prism Launcher.

This modpack is recommended because it comes with many optimisation mods that allow your game to run smoother and with higher FPS.

Using OptiFine is no longer recommended for Minecraft versions higher than 1.16.

You should be using Fabric and Sodium instead.

Prism Launcher

We recommend Prism Launcher because is very useful for easily installing and updating mods as well as managing multiple Minecraft instances and modpacks. It is also free and open source software. Please note that you will need an installation of Java 17, which you can get here.

Fabulously Optimized

Fabulously Optimized comes with 42 mods and we recommend it because it has many features which aid a seamless transition to Sodium for OptiFine users. It also has the NoChatReports mod included. You can find modpack installation instructions here.

Millee's modpack

Server owner Millee uses a custom 1.19.4 optimisations pack, linked below.

No Chat Reports

We recommend using the No Chat Reports mod on all 1.19.1+ servers due to the risk of blanket bans caused by Player Chat Reporting.

General advice

Otherwise, using any version starting with 1.19 will work on the server.

Make sure you've allocated a minimum of 4GB of RAM to Minecraft.

Using 8GB of RAM is optimal.

Please note that all information provided above is purely advisory and any installations are done at your own risk. The setups mentioned above have been tested, however, they may not work on your computer.

We are not responsible for any loss of data or issues that may arise from the installation or use of suggested launchers, mods or modpacks.

Last updated