
Composters now have a new use! When filled and placed near crops, they will fertilize them!

Composters will not work if they are empty.

However, they do not have to be completely filled to work.

The following crops can be fertilized:

  • Wheat

  • Carrots

  • Potatoes

  • Beetroots

  • Melon Seeds

  • Pumpkin Seeds

Additionally, the following items can now be used in composters:

  • Rotten flesh

  • Spider eyes

  • Poisonous potatoes

For a composter to run at maximum efficiency, place it in the centre of a 9x9 section of farmland.

You can shift right-click on the composter when holding any seeds to plant them in nearby farmland quickly. If the area is 9x9 you may need to click twice to replant all as you need a little bit more than a stack of seeds.

You can still get bone meal by overfilling the composter.

You can place a hopper on top of a composter to keep it continuously filled.

Last updated