Command Reference

Basic Commands

/spawn - Return to Survival spawn

/tpa <name> - Send someone a teleport request

/tpahere <name> - Send someone a request to teleport to you

/back - Return to your last location

Homes & Warps

/warp <warp> - Teleport to a warp

/warplist - List available warps

/sethome - Set your home

/home <home> - Return to your home

/homelist - See a list of your homes

/edithome <home> - Home editing menu (and where you can toggle home privacy)

/phomelist - List available public homes

/phone <phome> - Teleport to a public home

Interaction Visualizer

The following commands can be used to toggle viewing the holograms on chests, furnaces, etc.

/iv toggle hologram all <true/false> - Toggles all item/block holograms

/iv toggle hologram item <true/false> - Toggles dropped item name and despawn counter

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